“No more impact stress with our revolutionary technology…”
About Ryan & O’Donnell Anti-stress Shoes
Whilst we are not advocating that our shoes will cure, our shock dispersion system has been designed to help prevent. Each contact between the foot and the ground creates a shockwave that travels in the form of vibrations through the whole body creating constant micro-traumas. With Irish dancing the foot strikes are violent and repeated at a very high rate. The repetition of the shock wave creates perpetual micro-traumas that are responsible for dancer-specific pathologies such as periostitis, epiphysitis, fractures and all sorts of injuries in the feet, knee and spinal column. To reduce the potential injuries, it is needed to reduce the appearance of micro traumas.
Every Ryan & O’Donnell shoe is made using a full insole layer of NOENE. NOENE offers up to a 98% reduction of rebound and unlike some shock absorbers, retains this efficiency over it’s lifespan of about 2 years. Noene has passed the strictest medical tests to become the only shock dispersing insole to be a class 1 medical device and is exclusive to Ryan & O’Donnell dance shoes.
NOENE is an acronym of the Italian NO-Energia-NEgativa, which means No Negative Energy. Every Ryan & O’Donnell shoe is made using NOENE. So thin is the material used that it can replace the regular inner sole with no loss of feeling or flexibility, and by being lasted into the shoe during the production process there is no movement in the shoe under the foot when dancing, as would happen with an additional insole.

At the University of Brussels Biomechanics Laboratory the forces transmitted to a person running and walking, due to the foot striking the ground, have been measured. These measurements were made by means of sensors inserted into the footwear and analysed with the help of a Light Electronic Gait Analyser. Comparison was made between the use of conventional footwear and footwear in which a 2mm thick Noene foam plantar had been inserted.
The test dynamic conditions were: a frequency of 70 steps per minute, corresponding to a cycle of 860 msecs. The time during which the return forces act is about one third of the cycle. The graph shows the measurements made at the heel, where are the lateral and medial tubercles, which is the part of the foot receiving the first and major shock. It will be observed that the maximum response pressure is 7.6 N/mm2 with ordinary footwear and 6.4 N/mm2 with Noene insert footwear. Return force duration is reduced by 20% with Noene inserts. The total force exerted, that is the product of the momentary forces and their duration time, is reduced by 40%. The use of Noene in footwear reduces fatigue and the risk of those microtraumas on the osteocartilage structures which are the cause of tendinitis and periostitis.
For more information you can download the Technical Factsheet or visit www.noene.com

Shock Dispersion System
Sound Definition
For Ultra Performance
Mould Technology
Flex Tech
Flexible And Comfortable